And guess, what was the first thing I saw when I went through the entrance?! A lovely little black and tan Shiba!! I first couldnt believe, cause I didnt know that there where any in Austria.

Wandering around confused and disoriented I met this guy :) I just came right to watch the jugding of American Akitas( I had missed the Japanese Akitas :(, and there where quite a lot of them, in all colors and man they are really big!!
Later on I met the only Shiba-Breeder on this dog show and we talked a lot. He was really nice, and explained some things to me. He said that he bred Shibas now for around 12 years, but just as a hobby. His bitch is from Germany, like all other bitches in Austria.
With him where Phibi (his female) and her son, they where both

really handsome and we cuddled a lot just before their showing. This was the thing i liked the most about this breeder. He showed his dogs how they where, he didnt try to use cosmetics or other things to hide "mistakes". But perhaps he just was so relaxed cause he didnt had any concurrents.
Unfortunately I was too excited and happy talking with him so i forgot to take pictures of his two lovely ones :( But here is a picture of Hoji, another Shiba i met on this show, and he is from the same breeder.

For the rest of this dog show I can only say that my feeling that i wouldt like dog shows was right. All my prejudices about dog shows were right. The dogs are highly stressed, it really looks fun
ny when people run circles during showing their dogs, most of the breeders try to make their dogs look better than they are, and often you can see that they handle their dogs as things and not as their friends. I even saw children pushing around their showing dogs, just for the right picture.
Most of the breeder were deadly serious about this and didnt had any fun at all. If I hadnt met this Austrian Shiba Breeder, I think I would never go to such an event again. But he showed me, that there are few Breeder who have fun and arent as serious about this all.
After 2 hours a had enough and went home with a big bag full of bones and dried fish for little Sophie.
Na zum glück gabs doch was interessantes! aber diese hundeshows wo die hunde masakriert werden damit sie schöner ausschauen und ihre preise einheimsen können... ist abartig :(
AntwortenLöschenganzer may?!?!?! noooooooo waaaaaaaah, buhuhuhu